It's no coincidence that so much emphasis is placed on photo albums when it comes to a wedding... Your wedding was one of the most important days of your life and you certainly arranged everything to go perfectly to have an unforgettable memory. There's no better way to keep those images alive than in an album. To do it correctly and elegantly, we have gathered some must tips for a result you will admire!

How do I start organizing my photo album (step by step)

  1. First, you need to collect all the photos andclassifications in chronological order. That is, first you will put the photos from the preparation at home, then from the street, from the church and from the reception. At the end and in a prominent place in the photo album, you will put the official photography of your wedding.
  2. The next step is to sit down with your spouse and choose which of the photos you want to include in the photo album you will be designing. From the hundreds of photos of the day you should choose only ⅕ or less for the album! About 100 photos in total is fine!
  3. Place the photos without taking up the entire pages. Leave space both between the photos and from the edges of the page and choose the same paper for all the photos!
See also  Children's photo albums

Top aesthetic tips to make my wedding album a work of art!

  • Don't forget to include your guests in the album too! The day is dedicated to the couple, however it is nice to include the rest as well loved ones.
  • Overloaded isn't cool anymore. You'll typically see older photo albums filling the pages with photos, wishes, out-of-case photos, memorabilia, and anything else you can imagine. Now, we are becoming more practical and minimal. Few and big photos to stand out, small texts, and few other graphic elements.
  • Bright colors don't make the album look better, they distract attention! Modern and simple options are white and beige for albums.

    Ready to choose your album? Check out his collection!


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